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Wednesday, June 27
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 27 Jun 2007 19:11 BST
Today was a day for a bit of culture, Gaudi supplied it in droves. What an amazing building I'm never seen a church on this scale being built you normally see them 100 of years after they were finished. Lovely building.
photos are on flickr click on the picture and you can access the set. Tuesday, June 26
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 26 Jun 2007 23:46 BST
Stanley makes himself at home in Barcelona
Monday, June 25
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 25 Jun 2007 10:45 BST
Friday, June 22
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 22 Jun 2007 18:11 BST
There is nothing like a photograph and nothing brings back memories than standing there seeing the place again, While I was in Central Park, New York I popped down to the lake and tried to recreate one of my favorite photos. It was taken in 2002 when I was in New York with friends
![]() Its now 2007 and I've gone digital, over film and colour over black and white...i made it a mission to take the shot again. ![]() Monday, June 18
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 18 Jun 2007 21:13 BST
Yesterday my blog was flodded by a bot called ID-Search bot with the useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; IDBot/1.0; +http:// www.id-search.org/bot.html). Within a few minutes it requested around 1,386 pages and came from the IP raping about 50MB of band width in the process...you've got to love those Russian spy bots Is this a spam-bot or a serious project? Three things which make we wonder 1.) The bot does not (yet) support robots.txt. A quote from their FAQ
2.) They are not willing to release their IP addresses. Quote:
3.) They flood servers. According to their FAQ you can write an email to tech support if the bot is causing problems. IMHO this is not a workable solution. Sunday, June 10
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 10 Jun 2007 00:41 BST
A New Yorker in Battery Park
Friday, June 8
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 08 Jun 2007 13:27 BST
Monday, June 4
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 04 Jun 2007 17:35 BST
While distracting Rupert from asking more embarrassing questions about MPEG muxing and I showed him Microsoft Surface. While we were on the site he asked me to see if it was built in Silverlight, so I right click and look what I saw...Oh so even Microsoft aren't using Silverlight for their main production websites yet. (click on image for large)
![]() Friday, June 1
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 01 Jun 2007 11:34 BST
This an existential psychological play was named "The Man in the Cube"
and was written and produced by Jim Hensen (prior to his Muppets
productions). It was broadcast on NBC's "Experiments in Television"
series in 1969. It stars actor Richard Schaal, father of actress Wendy
Schaal and one-time husband of Valerie Harper.This kind of explains why Sesame Street is so dark in places.
It very much like the Twilight Zone epsiode were the people are in the create and trying to get out, only to find they are toys in a toy box. Also like the film The Cube |