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View Article  thank God for US postal addresses

Microsoft's Zune music player and online content store combo is "way off launch" in Europe and the UK, the company has admitted. The "earliest date" it might appear here? The end of 2007, or possibly even 2008, a Microsoft executive has revealed.

"The earliest date it will be in the UK is towards the end of 2007. However, it could easily be 2008," Microsoft media and entertainment alliance manager Dene Schonknecht said, according to UK trade paper New Media Age.


I'm so glad I ordered mine from the US I'll have it by the 20th :-)

View Article  The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) is calling for a "private right to copy".

UK copyright law should be changed to include a ‘private right to copy’ that protects users of ipod and other MP3 players, according to a new report published today (Sunday) by the Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr). The UK’s current copyright laws mean that millions of Brits break the law each year when they copy their CDs onto their computers.

ippr says that the forthcoming review of Intellectual Property, set up by Chancellor Gordon Brown and chaired by Andrew Gowers, should update the 300-year-old copyright laws to take account of the changes in the way people want to listen to music, watch films and read books.

ippr recommends a legal ‘private right to copy’ that would allow people to make copies of CDs, or DVDs for personal us. The report says a new right would legalise the actions of millions of Britons without any significant harm to the copyright holders.

The report, Public Innovation: Intellectual property in a digital age, also recommends that:

The Government should reject calls from the UK music industry to extend copyright term for sound recordings beyond the current 50 years. The report argues that there is no evidence to suggest that current protections provided in law are insufficient.

The Government should act to ensure that Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology does not continue to affect the preservation of electronic content by libraries. The British Library should be given a DRM-free copy of any new digital work and libraries should be able to take more than one copy of digital work. It also recommends that circumvention of DRM technology should stop being illegal once copyright has expired.

View Article  Cubase SX4

Early/leaked images from Cubase SX4, now its looking like Ableton Live and as ever the loyal fanbase at already has tens of pages of people saying how much it's going to suck...good boys.....control room patching is here and channel strip is here,
View Article  Second John Peel day is announced, its 12 October
John Peel

A second John Peel day will be held on 12 October to mark the anniversary of the late DJ's last ...   more »
View Article  Houston...not just Oil but a Zoo too

Just left Houston had a great time and met some great people, never one to shy away from going clubbing on a night. I tried Houstons local alt. club Numbers and was pleasantly suprised. Met some great people in there and danced to some classic 80's tunes. Also ventured out to the Zoo to please my monkey fetish and I was not disappointed. (see pictures here)
View Article  Digital music player for the serious
Wi-fi music player gets serious

it plays
for Compressed formats (MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, MP2, MusePack, WMA), Uncompressed formats (AIFF, WAV, PCM) and of course Lossless Formats (Apple Lossless, FLAC, WMA Lossless)

It seem they really have up'd their game and not compromised with any of the parts or connectors in this one and at $1,999 (£1,079)  is not that too pricey for the audiophile pockets.

Manufactures website
View Article  The man is a god
 Stay Beautiful's pavement is normally covered in glitter on the best of night but tonight was special the Manics ...   more »
View Article  James Dean Bradfield
James Dean Bradfield of the Manic Street Preachers is playing University London Union on Tuesday the 11/07/2006    more »