“Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine…"
I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers and if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.
About Me
A technical director who specialises in the field of film and television for international markets . I have been in the industry for over 20 years, and have been loving every minute of it. I am also a musician, blogger, photographer, diver, product developer, and overall thinker. I love to travel. My work and hobbies have taken me all around the globe; seeing such diverse things as ball games on the west coast of the USA, the sprawling desert of Africa and the dark souks of the Middle East. I love to meet people and make business happen. Please check out my blog to see what I've been up to lately.
Link to my current CV
Dive Instructor
Since 2014 I've been a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor and can teach Enriched Air (Nitrox), Digital Underwater Photography, Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV), Deep Diving, MultiLevel Diving, Project AWARE and Coral Reef Conservation specialities as well as being an Emergency First Response Instructor.
Technical Diver
In 2014 I qualified as an Advanced Trimix Diver (helium based) and in the use of nitrox/oxygen for deco/stage gases. This was under the tuition of Khalid Helmy, Jaimie Browne and Ahmed Gabr at H2O Technical Dahab.

Ahmed Gabr and me coming up from the Blue Hole in Dahab, Egypt. Ahmed was on one of his first training dives for his attempt at the world record for depth on open circuit scuba. He got to the depth of 332.35m on 18th September 2014.
photo credit © Jenny Lord 2014
“I read the newspaper avidly. It is my one form of continuous fiction.” ― Aneurin Bevan
Throughout my journeys around the world I’ve recorded my adventures in video, photographs and text. All posts are personal, describing the world around me and my quirky take on it. So what can you expect? Well I can guarantee a bit of travel, a lot of diving with a fair share of music and engineering thrown in. Click on the link here to go to text.kking.co.uk
“Welcome to the photo gallery "
Throughout my travels I've always kept a camera with me. The link below is a small selection, a taster so to speak, of a larger portfolio. I've shot in various different formats over the years; beginning with 35mm film, moving on to medium format and all the way through compact cameras and DSLRs. But one thing has remained consistent. I want to capture the moment. That split second and the light is all there. Forever.
Link to Photo Gallery
If you want to get in touch about diving course or anything you seen on this website, then please type your message below and I will be in touch.